A Letter To The Father Of My Children



Hey big head,

When I saw you walking down the hallway the first day of 11th grade, I was mesmerized by how attractive you were and still are, you’re the sexiest man to me (Let me stop being cheesie). But honestly I knew you had me the moment I discovered you made me blush every time you blew kisses at me for our entire class period. Yes we had the most amazing fling back in high school, then we graduated and we both went our separate ways.  I thank Tom, everyone’s first friend on MySpace for finding you again. Then history happened (and well…you get the picture below he became the father of my children.) Thank you for letting me barrow those cells of yours to create two amazing human beings, and god for making it possible. Here are 10 reasons why you’re an amazing father;

  1. You have more patience with Dom than me and you know when to take control before I lose it.
  2. Dom started taking his first steps because of you, because in my eyes he wasn’t ready (a mothers bitter sweet moment he’s becoming more dependent on his own)
  3. You sleep trained Dom when I can’t do it at night or during naps…Yes you still undefeated.
  4. You buy our princess flowers and you tell her this is how a man should treat her when she gets older. You are teaching her, her worth.
  5. You taught Kayla and will teach Dom how to be respectful. I wasn’t very good with saying thank you or excuse me (is not that I didn’t want to) her well behave mannerism she poses are because of you, and it gets notice when you first meet her.
  6. You still carry our  princess to her bed when she falls asleep in the car. (her legs almost drag the floor but you hate waking people out their sleep. Although I do it to you all the time when you snore =/
  7. You make time to play a game of monopoly even when you dead tire from work.
  8. You motivate our princess to be the best gymnast ever and that’s why she works so hard.
  9. You teaching our princess to be an entrepreneur and independent. She makes her own money at 10 years old.  I know Dom will follow the same foot steps as he already looks up to big sis and has a great mentor as a father.
  10.  And last but not least, for loving your children unconditionally.

You are all the things I am not; we balance each other out like sea salt on chocolate. I wouldn’t want any other partner in this task we committed 10 years ago when we had our princess. Cheers to you and the future ahead of us.

Happy Father’s Day to the hardest working man I know.




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